Postpartum Doula Mentorship

You’ve done your doula training and now you have to actually run a business.

And…you’re freaking out, you don’t know where to start or how to market yourself.

Hey, I’m Brittany!

I’m a Postpartum Doula, Certified Lactation Educator, AND I also hold a degree in Business and Marketing.

I’ve worked in sales, retail management, hiring and recruitment and I’ve built my postpartum doula business from the ground up.

While I traded blazers for Birkenstocks, I love all things business.

And helping doulas support mothers and babies? Sign me up!

Whether you’re looking to start a career in postpartum work, are a birth doula who wants to increase their postpartum offerings, or are currently practicing but have questions and need support - I am here to listen and make the process less stressful.

Mentorship calls can include:

    • How to get clients and get the word out about the novelty that is postpartum support (it’s still a foreign concept for some and you are a pioneer, baby)!

    • Prenatal and in-home visit logistics (get a peek into my doula basket).

    • Ways to price your offerings and share your value without overdelivering and burning out.

    • What training/continuing education classes are actually worth it (personally trained with Newborn Mother’s, Innate Traditions, & Evergreen Perinatal).

    • Managing a social media presence (from someone whose latest reel went viral & hit over 3 million views).

    • Whatever questions you have!

60 minute support session: $175 USD (includes 1 week of follow up question support via email)